SMALL-sideD football rules
Before a ball has been kicked
You must submit a minimum of 8 players in your squad at the start of the season to ensure the club will be able to make every fixture. We recommend having a squad of 12-15 players to ensure you can play every fixture.
On game night there must be a minimum of 6 players to kick off. Players from the opposition can let the opposition borrow players to make the fixture go ahead OR play 6v6.
All players must be 16yo or older. There is no age limit.
All players on a team must be wearing the same colour bib or footie shirt. Bibs will be provided by the league.
All players are advised to wear shin pads and moulded/astro football boots. This is not compulsory.
Please remember: this is a casual and friendly league. No violence, aggression or unnecessary levels of competitiveness will be welcome. We are introducing a 6 minute sin bin for participants who do not adhere to the leagues value around casual, inclusive and friendly football.
Fixtures and results can be found on the AF League website by choosing which league you’re playing in
Referees are there to call fouls, breaks in play and be a mediator. Please do not disrespect the referee or be rude or aggressive. This will result in a sin bin or a straight red card.
Each half will be 20-25 minutes with a short break in the middle to change ends and grab a quick drink.
Substitutions are unlimited and can happen during breaks in play. The player coming off must be fully off the pitch before the sub can come on.
General Playing Rules
Goalkeeper rules similar to 11aside. Cannot leave the area with the ball in their hands but is allowed in and out of the box with the ball at their feet. Cannot accept back-passes. A direct free kick will be given if a goalkeeper picks up a clear back pass.
There are no offside rules
Head-height restriction at North Manchester League. This does not apply to South Manchester Leagues (Hough End and Whalley Range)
At Whalley Range there are no “outs” as it’s a cage. At Hough End there are throw ins and corners. There are no offsides in 7aside football.
After the game we’ll all shake hands and one player from each team will be responsible for sending in the results, the goal scorers full names and any match notes, photographs and videos.
These scores must be submitted by midnight on the night of the games or the scorer information will not be counted.
Once the info has been submitted to the league it’s off for a celebratory drink after a great session!